Wednesday, December 23, 2009

my english teacher

Here's one of many fun things you can do, when you have DVD classes!

hit pause.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 Christmas baquet

I just wanted to you all pics of this years Christmas banquet. We had a great time!

Pictures we took at home.

The one on the far left is b-dog (Brandon) .

Elizabeth isn't going to be happy about this one.

Cole, J.H., and Julian their speed skaters that are going to Tiwan to represent America

Johnny giving the lesson

gift exchange

Sean being weird

Me & the gift I got.
I can't believe the banquet has come & gone already!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

fields of faith

We were going to Fields of Faith at Bentworth high school football field, but it was moved to the gym because it rained. The band that preformed didn't sound that good but the guest speakers was very good! One of the guest speakers was Daniel Sepulveda #9 punter for the Steelers! Before he spoke, he picked out a ticket for a prize and I won subscription to a magazine, so I went up and shook his hand and got my prize. He spoke about the choices in our lives. He talked about how his dad encouraged him growing up to make good choices. He spoke from Ps 1:1-3. He talked about how hard it is to keep a life of integrity as a professional football player. After he spoke and the event was over, I got him to autograph my prize and got a picture with him. It was really cool!

me and Daniel

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

new song

I found this song yesterday and I really liked it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vacation at Atlantic Beach

I know you all probable saw these pictures, but I got to post some anyway. Because I was there. So here are a few pictures that I want to post.

Michael phelps
shark bait


NC BBQ - good food, but I was burnt so bad

Our big family picture

Just our familyDave got one of me too

And finally my Uncle Joe

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Friday, after our circle of prayer at Harriet's, our bus made it's wa y down the windy road to our camp in the boonies of Green County. Our goal upon arrival was to find a bed & unpack our stuff (because there weren't very many). Then we headed upstairs and enjoyed hotdogs. Once we had our fill, Brent had the afterglow. He taught about King David & shared a bit about his father-in-law. After a couple of hours we went to bed.

After breakfast Saturday, we had devotions & my mom had prayer before Sandy Mayak had the lessons. Then Johnny sent us to do buzz groups. After we shared what we learned with the rest of the group, it was free time. During free time we played kickball, football, and volleyball. Around 5:00 Harriet called us in for dinner. We had more free time while the kitchen crew cleaned up dinner. This time we played knockout, a form of basketball game. Later, we headed up to the camp fire service under the cross. Brittany Shaffer shared with us how we should come away from changed. We had a time to pray & meditate on what she said. Brent said that there was such a sweet spirit, so we were to go right down to the lodge quietly for Jimmy Kotow's afterglow. We call him our ''spirit man" because some people were getting slain in the spirit, some were crying, some were shaking. It was a good time with the Holy Spirit! Then Harriet brought out the ice cream for sundays, but I didn't get any, because I snuck downstairs for a shower and when I came back up it was all put away. Afterwards we had a dance off which was pretty funny.

Sunday was the same, only during Jimmy's afterglow, Moose got slain and was down for a long time and afterwards we had watermelon. Both of Jimmy's services were good. God ministered to many of the kids there.

Monday was the same except after dinner Dave spoke, then we left. Altogether it was a great camp! God moved powerfully and it was a blessing. Here are the pictures.

praying for our trip


don't ask

perty ain't it

lesson time

bedroom/living room

group pictures

goofy picture



he just doesn't know if its fair or not



cross for after glow

dance off


unpacking the bus

afterwards me as best QB!