Monday, April 21, 2008

the week end

Friday morning I woke up to a breakfast of coffee cake. Then Dave woke up and let Parker out, he joined us. Then we did school and worked around the house and played with Parker. After that we went to Tom Whitfield's (a friend of ours) for a wiener roast. We talked until midnight. The next morning I woke up and guess who I woke up with...
Well he's not quite sleeping beauty but oh well. Later we mowed the grass for the first time this year, also we worked around the house and played with parker some more. the

On Sunday, after church, we came home & got ready to go to grandma's for our late Easter.
Here are some pix of it:
my cousin Katie looking at Sarah's wedding pictures.
As we waited for dinner, we play with Parker.

they were watching us play with parker.Eating dinner finally.yum!
Andrew looking for parker.he's not under playing ball with parker.Look! up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No! It's a ball!Dave and Parker getting ready to leave
bye bye Parker :( It's not what it looks like... honest!
playing with Andrew.Couch-potatoes.


Nicky said...

It looks like you had fun. By the way I got the Max Lucado thing from an e-mail.

kreggy#5 said...
